pimples plus acnes.[the damn thing]

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What Causes Pimples & Acne

Pimples usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads have become infected.
There are oil glands on your chest, face and back numbering in the thousands. In fact, between the nose and cheek areas there are as many as two thousand oil glands every square inch. The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil, or sebum. Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin. It usually starts far beneath the surface of the skin. A blemish (or internal lump) begins about 2 to 3 weeks before it appears on your skin's surface. Acne first begins to form in your sebaceous hair follicles. You know this as "pores", the tiny holes on you skin. Deep within each hair follicle, sebaceous glands generate sebum, the oil that keeps your skin soft, moist and pliable. As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place.
But sloughing (the process where living tissue is separated from dead skin tissue) is not the same for everyone. Some people shed cells evenly while others don't. The result of uneven sloughing is that dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form a plug, similar to a cork in a bottle. This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.
The trapped oil begins to form a lump as your skin continues its normal oil production. Your body's natural defense system then sends an army of white blood cells to attack the bacteria. The whole process takes around 2 to 3 weeks, resulting in a pimple.
Many teenagers experience pimple outbreaks. It is at this time that the skin attempts to adjust to hormonal changes that occur during puberty. There is a tendency for most people when seeing a 'ripe' pimple try to pick or squeeze it. This will cause further damage to your skin as germs or bacterias from your finger tips can cause inflammation and scarring as a result. The risk of infection is also increased. Most times, when acne is ignored, it can leave visible scars on your skin.

Acne Treatment and Prevention

There's a complete skin care management system called Acnezine that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet. It eliminates spots, pimples, redness, blackheads and whiteheads safely and also works to cleanse the entire body.
Once your acne improves or clears, you may need to continue your acne treatment regime to prevent new acne breakouts. In some cases, you might need to use a topical medication on acne-prone areas. You can also prevent new acne breakouts with simple self-care measures, such as washing your skin with a gentle cleanser and avoiding touching or picking at the problem areas.
For pimples that are persistent, consult your dermatologist for an antibiotic solution to be applied to the surface of the skin or an oral antibiotic. Using antibiotics as acne treatment functions to suppress bacterial growth thereby reducing the recurrence of persistent acne.

i reallt get tension with these both things [pimples n acnes].ish.mybe.sbb hormone jgk.i need to take care lots of my face.ugly face.ops.look.i'm not being grateful.huh.ok,my face.it's so hard to make my face back into NORMAL again.YA Allah.but insyaAllah.they will be reduced soon.amin.there're lots products that i'd tried.nivea,biore.natasya,gervenne,olay,t3 n lots more..n none of them will mke my pimples n acnes get normal.myb,they're  not suitable for the type of my skin.now,i use VIDA BEAUTY products since i was in  Form 4.insyaAllah.my face wll get better.VIDA BEAUTY,i'll salute you if u dare to make my face bcomes much better than now.amin. :)))